Tuesday, 16 December 2014

"Final Layout"

This is the layout of my my final design, I went to the technology building to make this test print. 
 I noticed I had to turn my bottom designs upside down. The reason for this was that having the bottom designs the correct way up would be upside down when folded! Having the designs turned on there head made it so I could create a single fold down the middle of the separate pages so that the pages were back to back and aligned correctly. 

I am happy with the overall layout of my final book, I am happy with the type faces and titles that are on the covers. I love how the idea of the illustration being unveiled is presented and how you have to open up other pages to get to the main illustration. 
This also means that every page is going to be looked at in order to get inside the book which I think is great because no information can be missed out when my consumers are looking at my designs. 

Friday, 12 December 2014

Book- layouts,covers and Development

Development-Big illustration


This is the trailer I have created using the different photographs and the effect I downloaded free from cutestockfootage.com I have also used music I have downloaded to create the feel of a horror movie, this coupled with the crackling film effect and background noised from the audio adds to the effect of a horror film. 

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

MOVIE TRAILER: Edited photographs

These are some of the Photographs I have edited so far, I have used different effects and techniques to make the individual photographs pop more and become more relevant and in keeping of the horror theme for my trailer. 

I have used Levels and Curves to make the image contrast from dark to light I didn't use brightness and Contrast because of what I learned in the last tutorial that Brightness and Contrast tends to ruin the image slightly and you lose some of the textures and other important aspects of the image. 

I also used Hue and Saturation to make certain colours stand out, I used this on the Photograph of the tracks because I wanted the blue to be the dominant colour which emphasised the grain in the wood and individual textures of the image. 

Overall these edits have gone well, I have come out with strong Photographs which I can now take to After effects to begin to swap over the older images with my images, I can't wait to start adding affects and grain to my trailer and watch as my horror trailer comes to life!

MOVIE TRAILER: Initial photographs

Here is a small select few of some of the new Photographs I have taken, the reason I decided to take new photographs was because of the quality of the photographs I took before simply weren't good enough! I took these Photographs with a great camera the Nikon DSLR and the quality and depth of my photographs are much sharper and crisper and will ultimately look better on my trailer. 

I am very happy with the photographs I have taken of Huddersfield train station, I will now use Photoshop to edit some of the Photographs I have taken to make them darker and add effects to create a feel for this horror trailer I am wanting to create. 

Thursday, 4 December 2014


Here are the thumbnail sketches/grid layouts I have created so far for my short story/article, I have used small drawings and different layout of text to create these visuals all in one. I found this to be a better method because it meant that I could see first hand what my news paper article would actually look like. 
 I made 6 Thumbnail/Grid layouts in total because I felt that this gave me plenty of layout options and thumbnail sketches in general to push forward I am happy with the quality and the army of different visual layout I feel that I have plenty of different options to go with.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Church Group building

This is the church group building illustration I created from a reference image I took while in Perth, I used the Pen tool to create the outline on Illustrator by using the reference image as a guidance I could trace the building and follow some lines using the pen tool which helped me a lot in 
this process. 

I then rendered my finished outline once I was happy and added some other distinct features which were on the building like windows and brickwork, I decided to add these after the render because It was easier to add features on top of the colour instead of having to work around individual colour. 

Overall I am happy with this illustration and will add it to the bigger layout I have on InDesign to start working without layout and facts.