Friday, 30 January 2015



This is the animation I created in my After effects lesson, Firstly I created my object on Illustrator as a vector image because I felt that the quality was much better than Photoshop for creating this kind 
of thing. I ensured that every part of the object was saved onto a different layer this meant I could animate individual layers instead of just the phone itself. 

After I was happy with my illustration and the features I wanted to animate I imported the file into After effects making sure my work space was set at the correct width and height (1920x1080); After everything was set up and I was ready to animate I decided that the phone would look the best if it actually appeared to enter my scene. 

I created this effect by using the position tool and the parenting tool to assure that the screen layer would always follow the phone itself, I then used an array of different tools such as the Opacity, Rotation and position tool to create animation and motion for the different layers of my iPhone. 

After I went through the effects and animation process I added a texture to the background to give my animation another point of interest and more depth, I imported the image as a jPEG and put the textured background behind my background layer, I then used the Multiply tool on my background layer to make the layer more transparent which allowed the texture to show through and create a 
nice effect.

Overall I am very happy with how the animation has turned out, the animation is smooth and crisp and there are points of various speed between the keyframes which gives the animation a variation of speed and interest.