Thursday, 20 November 2014

Adobe Illustrator vector: Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe

Step 1- We imported an image of Marilyn Monroe into a new document in Adobe Illustrator,we created a layer called "Facial Outlines" on this layer we proceeded to use the Pen tool to create the face and hair, without any fills. We then filled the basic outline of the face and hair in with two colours and cleaned up the design making sure there were no gaps in-between the hair and face.

Step 2- After we had created the basic outline we created the neck on the same layer by drawing a box like shape with the Pen tool I then coloured the neck the same colour as the face so they blended seamlessly together. Then I created a new layer above the facial outlines for the shadow which I also made using the Pen tool. I fixed any gaps between the shadow and the other objects by using the direct selection tool to fix various anchor point.

Step 3 - I created a new layer to start on the facial features and named the layer "Features" I deselected the face and hair so I only the original image was visible I then traced around the eye contour to create this eye shape.

Step 4 - I then created the eyelashes by creating a single curve and increasing the stroke, I then added a pointed effect to the eyelash so it didn't have a flat edge and actually looked like an eye lash. 
I created the bottom lashed by flipping the curve using Transform.

Step 4- I made a copy of the original eye and reflected it using transform, I adjusted the pupil so both eyes are looking in the right direction. 

Step 5 - I made an outline of the white of the eye and sent it to the back of the contour, I then made pupils using the ellipse tool and highlights using the same tool. 

Step 6 - I created the eyelashes using the Pen tool again increasing the stroke to 8 and then making the stroke cap a rounded edge to give the effect of an eyebrow. 

Step 7 - I made the lines for the nose using the pen tool using suggestive lines to mark out where the nose might be. 

Step8 - I made the lips using then pen tool adding a bright red for her lips and highlight were her lipstick is sparkling, this concluded my Marilyn Monroe illustration which I am overall very 
happy with. 

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